Monday, March 17, 2008

I want to be cool too...

Lately some guildmates of mine have followed in the footsteps of our lone blogger (Ferocious Bite) and started their own blogs. While we will probably never be as cool as her we have all decided to try anyways. <3

My name is Lung and I am a Protection Warrior in World of Warcraft and a long time member of the Rogue Angels Guild on Detheroc. If you told me a year ago I would be a Prot specc'd raiding Warrior I would have told you to STFU... and then probably punch you in the face.

I HATED Prot with a passion. Ask my guildmates...

My first experience with it was very early in the game as one of the first to attempt MC. But doing it in mostly greens and a few blues was a bad idea and I could barely kill mobs when I was soloing. Then my guild got hardcore because they wanted to stop wiping on the 2nd trash pull and decided to run MC from 5pm to 11pm like every other night and gear up the rest of the time. I guess they were the brute force smash your face into a wall til the wall falls down. I could not commit to that...

So I spent the next 2.5 years doing the PvP / Arena thing. I joined my Guildmates on their server and had quite a bit of fun. I still had an interest to Raid but I was emotionally scarred by my very short experience with it, and I refused to go Protection spec but at least I had gathered a somewhat respectable suit for Tanking 5-mans and heroics.

Then one fateful night I got to run Grull's Lair, by then we had it on Farm and some of our guys had their Tier 4. Maulgar dropped the T4 Shoulders and Grull dropped the T4 Leggings for Warrior/Priest/Druid. In some strange twist of fate no one that night wanted them so I took both. Since my DPS Suit was already epic I decided to make them into tank pieces. In doing so I effectively doubled the amount of epics in my Tank suit and felt the overwhelming urge to Spec Protection for the hell of it. I followed my then GM's spec of 5/5/51 and my guildmates were in shock. They didn't believe I would ever do it and honestly I didn't either.

I started running Heroics to test my ability and oddly enough even more Tanking pieces that were huge upgrades dropped. Then I got to run half a Kara and got about four more upgrades. (In what is now a humorous story my friends ran the last half without me and Nightbane dropped the Plate BP and the Shield... I was so mad, but I was able to get them a few weeks later)

It was simply meant to be. I had gone from a nub blue geared tank to a full epic tank in a month and I even learned how to tank along the way. I have been Prot now for 4 months and I love it. I wish I had swallowed my Pride earlier.

Sorry for the history lesson, but to have hated the thought of being a Prot Tank, to never wanting to go back is amazing.


Ferocious Bite said...

Yippy! Welcome Lung! :D See...tanking is the best! said...

Hi, We've included your blog feed into our Metaforums feeds reader ('Gamers say' section). Your posts will be participating in topic digests if you post links to the blog posts of another participating blogs. Regareds. said...

*Regards :)

Brehm said...

Welcome to the insanity of Blogging! I just respecced my warrior prot from languishing as a level 70 bank toon. I'm still in my "aqua" phase (that strange mix of blue and green) but I tanked some Saturday in five mans I know very well, so it was all good. Hope the blogoverse treats you well.

Unknown said...

DPS Warriors for the WIN!!